Yakult with red cap and honey
Good day to you Martin, I would like to know your views on Yakult red
cap, with honey in 2 litres of water. I am looking to use this mix,
for a pick me up after young birds have raced. I would like to stay to
natural products, and i feel this would be good for recovery after a
race, your thoughts please, thank you, George.
Hallo George, I think using these two products, is a top combination,
for young birds, one side to prevent for coli, otherwise for recovery
after the race, I think the 3 first races two days yakult and honey
after arriving home .After 3 races one day this combination.
Take a tea cup, fill it with hot water, put a big spoon honey in, mix
it than put it in 2 liters cold water mix it again, than one bottle
yakult in the water and mix again, important mix the yakult in cold
water, otherwise the probiotic will die, success with the races
vraag kan men stellen op oomentijn@hotmail.com
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